Categories StoriesPosted on

Shell en Bitsing forecasting

SHELL INTERNATIONAL Always forecast I write many blogs. I do this, on the one hand, to share the benefits of my Bitsing method and on the other hand...
Categories MethodPosted on

Bitsing en het voorspellende model

Het is het jaar 2000 dat het voorspellende model van de Bitsing-methode werd ontdekt. Waarschijnlijk een van de meest bijzondere en waardevolle vindin...
Categories ArticlesPosted on

Interview Aircraft Company

Nayak Aircraft Services – the BiTSing method at work in the labour market • Optimal staff recruitment • Improving employee performance Bitsers ...
Categories ArticlesPosted on

Interview Shell International

SHELL INTERNATIONAL Always forecast I write many blogs. I do this, on the one hand, to share the benefits of my Bitsing method and on the other hand ...
Categories Geen categoriePosted on

Out now: Bitsing Book

BITSING: The world's first management model that guarantees success By Frans de Groot Order here Write a review Businesses are on the lookout for t...