
Bitsing part of the European Master Program
EMSD – The Erasmus Mundus European Master Programme in System Dynamics

Bitsing is part of the Erasmus supported European Master Programme in System Dynamics. This programme has been specifically designed for students who are interested in learning how to initiate strategic change in complex organizations either in business or government. Four major European universities are participating in the programme.

As part of the Third Semester, students will be introduced to the Bitsing Method as an alternative and new model in Business Management. It will be delivered by Frans de Groot (who developed the Bitsing Method) as part of the Modules focussed on Organisational Consultation and Group Model Building.
This is a unique endorsement of Bitsing by this innovative Masters Programme. “I am always looking forward to working with the students who will participate in this exciting Erasmus supported initiative”, says Frans de Groot.

For more information about the Masters Programme click here.